Prolog Hati

Berumbai, berpautan, berpilin-pilin: ikal rambut dan panjang usia; sehasta hingga beberapa lagi. Adalah nilam sebuah hikam, adalah dalam perbendaharaan. Adakah idam berpencar, oh entah--oh entah bila merapat pada hijab; jiwaku halim bagai serabut merentang panjang lengan. Bulan bagai bara siap padam, penuhi guman setangkup hangat kuku; selaksa mimpi pengangsir dongeng malam--menimang bayang sebulir biji sawi. Menyisir angin di hadapan nyala lilin, semakin dengung kepak seekor ngengat; mabuk mengecap kekhusyuan hingga sayapnya rapuh terbakar. "Duh, syamsi yang terpagut lautku dalam sewindu; kidung bagi tiramku; seribu kuntum bagi salatin di tamanku, setangkai imbalan sehaus tujuh surga." Serangkai jalan membenam jejak menuju lumbung seberang pematang; santun pahatan dinding cadas, cucur keringat mendulang manikam: duh, tanah yg tak segembur yang terkira; seluas sahara sejumput sabana.

18 Februari 2010

face to face

Night so calm. Some wishes before sleep

"Hi, Billy, where's your gun? Is your mother put it down on the bed? Hahaha... Hey, why don't you wear such a long robe before die? Didn't sherrif tell you, tonight is your judgment day? Hohoho... Are you scare or something? Don't be afraid. It takes won't be long. It takes short time as your mommy used to tell you an old story. Story bout your candle light when the moon not so bright. Or bout your conscience whice strong enough to drift with the wind. Yeah... i remember that: when a shot fired of bullet closed to your ear, and you screamed like a hunter wolf. Hahaha...
Oh yeah, tell me. Tell me about your favorite song. Your death song. After the fell down of a tree in front of your home. Where did the crow perched on the branch then?"

"You want it?! You've got it. Just shut off your mouth! Hey..! My gun is right here. Lets make a deal. You die, i'll take care you body. Any request before die? A bottle of vodka or... Yeaa.. I'll pour your grave with red wine that smell a hundred of suffer. Dream on!! Your lord don't like any kind of sugar pop, couse your mouth like a warewolf."

"If it's so, lets make a move! One step ahead and no backward. See who'll be the first facing the god."

"You force me. It might be your final stand."

"What a big mouth..."

"Go on... Shoot me! Right down here."

"Heart?! No. Your head. I want something deep down the pain for you to feel before die."

"Oke. I'll pull my trigger to find out. I die - you die."

Billy aim his gun to his head. The bang cracked the mirror in front of him. The blood was thick drenched in the floor. He killed himself finally.

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